Log started: 2018-02-22 18:02:11

Yuna Kersey (18:02) *Nods* If you follow the old Earth myth, they were known as 'People of the Stars' and were considered spirits to be evoked for assistance. What Lina was able to find was that they would travel the universe helping and guiding others. From what she can tell, they've been wiped out since the last record of them was several centuries ago.
Sheena Othort (18:11) They may just not be on record, if that's the case. I wonder if there's more like you.
Yuna Kersey (18:14) Psh who knows. If they do exist, I hope they don't get found by the Empire. *sighs*
Sheena Othort (18:15) Yeah, no kidding.
* A user has entered the chat. (18:17)
Yuna Kersey (18:31) *thinks then gasps whispers to Sheena* What happens if that's what Sahu is?
Sheena Othort (18:33) *quietly* I don't know. But it might be possible...
Yuna Kersey (18:36) Oh gods that poor girl. We'll have to keep an eye on her.
Sheena Othort (18:37) Yeah, no kidding. *finishes her wine and sighs* I should probably get back to Retreat Valley. I was just visiting for the day.
Yuna Kersey (18:39) Aww... *Smiles* How is Avis and Cyrus doing anyways?