Log started: 2018-02-22 16:23:01
* A user has entered the chat. (16:23)
Sheena Othort (16:25) *walks into the lounge with Chase and Crow* So, Aaron taught you two the dedication rite?
Sister-to-Crows (16:25) *nods* Yup. And Chase is teaching me about being a rite master since my pack doesn't really have one.
Chaser-of-Stars (16:25) To be fair, three members of your pack aren't Lychans, either.
Sister-to-Crows (16:28) Mm... True. But it's still not too bad. Kaleb makes a good storyteller.
Nathaniel C. (16:39) *walks into the lounge after having gotten a fresh haircut and newly tailored suit*
Nathaniel C. (16:40) *whistles a Rigelian rock melody as he makes his way behind the bar to make himself his usual*
Sheena Othort (16:41) *looks over* Sir, you shouldn't do that. You might get in trouble with Kaleo, Yuna, or Kimiko.
* A user has entered the chat. (16:41)
Nathaniel C. (16:43) Baaaaah, I remember the day when this bar used... *cuts off midsentence when he looks up to see the woman talking to him was Sheena, and just stands frozen for a spell*
Yuna Kersey (16:43) *Suddenly whacks Nate's knuckles with a spatula* Back to the other side of the bar, sir. *gives him a firm look*
Sheena Othort (16:45) *blinks as Nate stops speaking, wondering if there was something wrong with the way she looked, then winces as Yuna smacks Nate across the knuckles* I tried to warn you. Is there... something strange with me? Why do you stare?
Sister-to-Crows (16:45) *raises a brow at the stranger*
Nathaniel C. (16:46) Yeah. Sure... *distractedly and slowly walks around to the customer side of the counter* I'll take a mint Julep please... *sits, doesn't look at Sheena again, and shakes his head*
Aaron Othort (16:46) Othort to Brighthill. Raz is landing and he's apparently got people for ya.
Sheena Othort (16:46) *frowns, feeling like she's missed something big*
Kaleo Yate (16:47) *Pokes his head out of the kitchen* Sheena did Yuna just use my good spatula?
Sister-to-Crows (16:47) Brighthill here, Aaron. Thank you. Chase and I will head out to the landing pads. *looks at Sheena* Will you be alright here?
Sheena Othort (16:47) Yup, she did. *giggles* Hey, can I get a chicken sandwich from one of you two? And a glass of white wine.
Chaser-of-Stars (16:48) *looks at Crow* I think she'll be fine. Come on. *takes her hand and makes their way out of the lounge*
Kimiko Tohya (16:49) *pokes her head out of the kitchen, holding up an older spatula* Yuna, use this one!
Kaleo Yate (16:49) *Chuckles* Alright.*blinks and looks at Kimiko* Kimi! Don't encourage her!
Kimiko Tohya (16:50) *grins* Aww... Why not?
Yuna Kersey (16:50) *Gives Kaleo back his spatula before she get drinks for Nate and Sheena*
Kaleo Yate (16:50) *Smirks as he shoos Kimi back into the kitchen before making Sheena's meal*
Kimiko Tohya (16:51) *gets shooed back into the kitchen with a giggle*
Nathaniel C. (16:51) *fidgets, opens a holoconsole, does just about anything he can think of to not acknowledge Sheena's existence while he tries to process this*
Sheena Othort (16:51) *approaches Nathanial* I'm Sheena Othort. Are you alright?
Yuna Kersey (16:53) You probably remind him of someone. *Sets the drinks on the counter and leans against the counter. Smiles at Sheena* Oh, good news.. I'm finally adding to the sleeve.
Nathaniel C. (16:56) *jumps* Huh? Me? Oh yeah, I'm peachy dandy keen jelly bean. Why? Do I look not ok? It's the suit isn't it? The tailor screwed up didn't he? I knew I looked ridic. *shakes his head*
Sheena Othort (16:57) *blinks at Nate* Actually... you just seemed a little... tense. *smiles politely* Sorry, I suppose I shouldn't have bothered you. *looks at Yuna* Really? What are you adding?
Yuna Kersey (16:57) *Blinks and looks over at Nate, raising an eyebrow* You're one step away from sounding like you're trying to do a drug transaction.
Yuna Kersey (16:58) *Smiles at Sheena and gestures towards a spot on her arm that sported intricate star charts and maps tattooed to her flesh* This is going to have a map that if from the Delta Quadrant.
Nathaniel C. (16:59) *shakes his head and face palms at himself, bright red with embarassment, he literally just melts into the floor*