Log started: 2018-02-18 16:00:00
Amused watcher (16:00) Yes please
Gerti (16:00) We may indeed.
(16:04) Ok that one was aout as bad as the Penguin joke Alexa tells
Amused watcher (16:05) *smiles and waves* have fun playing
(16:06) *pat pats Amused Watcher*
Gerti (16:11) *looks Eolenth over cautiously*
Eolenth (16:13) *Tilts his head slightly.* Do you understand what happened last night, Gerti? What you did to Gavin?
Gerti (16:14) N-no...
Gerti (16:16) I remember a beautiful woman offered me gem that sang. When I took it to the alley, it sang me poem of worlds past and yet to come.
Eolenth (16:23) *He sits down next to her.* A long time ago, eons ago, the heavens were at war. In the wake of that battle, when the star of the gods fell from the sky, striking the world with its shards, the power of the gods also touched the world. Everyone is touched in some manner be it a warrior, a crafter, an oracle and so forth. You are touched by the rivers, here. *He touches her forehead with one finger.* What you did to Gavin was a manisfestation of that.
Gerti (16:26) Is he. .. Is he dead.?
Eolenth (16:26) Do you want him to be? *He raises a brow slightly*
Gerti (16:27) If don't know.
Gerti (16:27) I don't know.
Eolenth (16:29) There is time for you to think about it. Your fate was in his hands for a long time, wasn't it?
Gerti (16:33) Only a couple years. He bought me from at traveling merchant. Now him I wish to die. *press on a very dark face* Gavin saved me from both a life of intimates violence or being sold of at the pens in Marikoth.
Eolenth (16:36) In time, you'll be able to carry out those wishes. It will be they that serve you.
Gerti (16:44) *makes a face of uncertainty, not sure how to handle any of this. *
Eolenth (16:51) It's a lot, I know. Let's start with you getting cleaned up? The baths are through there. *He gestures to a door.* There are fresh clothes there for you. Then, I will show you around before you meet with Azan.